Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hermiston's 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

This last weekend my husband and 3 friends participated in a 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Thinking it was a double elimination and that they hadn't spent much time playing ball together before hand. They were hoping to play 3 games.
They play 4 games on Saturday.......

And then another 4 on Sunday!!

By the end of the last game I think they were ready to lose, just so they could sit down!!
But you know what?
I'll bet they do it again next year!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dairy Queen

Dad had to work, so the boys and I had dinner at Dairy Queen. And of course being the push over that I am, I agreed they could all have dessert!
Trevor got a waffle cone.

Calvin opted for chocolate ice cream, so he could dip his french fries in it. YUCK!! Yep, I've never tried it and I'm not going to, but I'm still going to say YUCK!!

Kaleb got a waffle cone. Isn't he just the cutest little toothless guy!!

I think Luke's cone was bigger then he was. It was supposed to be the "child" size. Maybe I'm not the only one that thinks he's cute!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July - on the 5th!

Our 4th of July was strange. Mom was in the hospital here in Hermiston, Rob was in the hospital in Portland. My Honey was working. So the boys, Popa & I set off a few and called it a night.
The next day though, we headed up to Grandma Kandy's to spend the day with her,
Brian & Michelle.
Luke & his sparkler.

Grandma Kandy got a new pool. The boys put it to use!!

Luke's going to need another summer of swimming and then I think the water wings can come off!!

What can I say, I LOVE him!!!

I think it started with a "Nobody can catch me!" and ended with an "Oh yeah!"

We had a really good time!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Is This The Day We Go to Oma's?

Luke kept asking, "is this the day we go to Oma's?" The next morning....."is this the day we go to Oma's?" The next morning, "is this the day we go to Oma's?" So you know those paper chains you make in school to count down until Christmas? We made one of those. Only this one counts down till the day we go to Oma's!!
It actually reached the floor when we made it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Swimming Lessons

I think maybe Calvin was getting ready to take a deep breath and go under?

Is that you "scuba Steve?" No, it's just me, Luke!

Kick, kick, kick, don't bend your knees!